SoundSets Moods Log
Properties Library Sample Search
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  • SoundSets
  • SoundSets
  • {{ soundset.full_name }}
    Title Mood Element Sample Tag
  • {{ selected_soundset.full_name }}
  • All Elements
  • Moods
  • Moods

Global OneShots

Property Inspector

Become a SuperSyrin subscriber to unlock all SoundSet Creator features.

Select a SoundSet

This is an official a community content pending approval as a community content SoundSet, and cannot be edited. Duplicate it or cancel your review to make changes. to customise its moods.

Are you sure you want to cancel your review of this SoundSet?

You will be able to edit your SoundSet again, but it will not be reviewed for publication as community content until you resubmit it.

This SoundSet was reviewed and rejected as community content for the following reason:

{{ selected_soundset.rejected_reason.trim() }}

Please respond to the feedback and try again.

This SoundSet has been submitted by {{ selected_soundset.owner.display_name }} <> for review as community content.

This SoundSet will become community content immediately.

This SoundSet will be editable by its creator again.

Enter a reason for the rejection below.

Publish as Community Content

You are about to propose that your SoundSet be published as Community Content and shared with the whole community of SuperSyrin Subscribers.

Terms & Conditions

You hereby grant SYRINSCAPE the right to host, share and otherwise use, without limitation of any kind, all material including sound, art and words created by you using the Syrinscape Creator and uploaded by you to SYRINSCAPE’s website (this material is hereafter known as "the SoundSets"). Without limiting the foregoing statement, you agree to licence to SYRINSCAPE the SoundsSets under the Creative Common Zero licence.

You warrant that you have all necessary underlying rights in the SoundSets, including copyright, to make this grant of rights to SYRINSCAPE, and you further warrant that all information including attributions provided by you in this Licence is complete and accurate, and you indemnify and hold SYRINSCAPE and its associates harmless from any claim arising out of any breach or failure of any of these warranties that you are making.

SYRINSCAPE will attribute the SoundSets to you as their Creator when the Sounds Sets are distributed by SYRINSCAPE, using your name as you have submitted it along with the SoundSet.

You must not submit any content to the website that is or has been the subject of a complaint, legal notice or legal proceeding.

SYRINSCAPE reserves the right to edit or remove any material submitted to this website.

Are you sure you want to delete this SoundSet?

Are you really sure you want to delete this SoundSet? It will be gone forever! Type "SoundSet" below to confirm.

Make a copy of the selected SoundSet, along with its moods and elements.

Publish the selected SoundSet, along with its moods and elements. A Syrinscape staff member will review your SoundSet and make it available as community content if it is approved. You will still be able to access this SoundSet, but you cannot edit it while it is in review or after it is approved.

Delete the selected SoundSet, along with its moods and elements. Samples will not be deleted.

The initial volume for the SoundSet. This applies to each element in the SoundSet relative to the volume of that element. It's a great way to scale the volume of the entire SoundSet after mixing.

The selected reverb preset will be applied to the selected SoundSet's elements.

Are you sure you want to delete this mood? It will be gone forever!

Set the target volume for each element in the selected mood to the element's current volume. Currently playing elements will start when the mood begins, and those currently stopped will not.

Create a new mood from the currently playing elements, whether they are part of the current SoundSet or another one. Currently playing elements from other SoundSets will be copied into this SoundSet to become part of the mood. excluding elements that are not part of the current SoundSet (become a SuperSyrin subscriber to include elements from any SoundSet). The new mood's elements will use the current target volume of each element. The currently playing elements will start when the new mood begins, and those currently stopped will not.

Make a copy of the selected mood.

Make a copy of the selected mood and its elements in a different SoundSet.

The selected element will start automatically when the selected mood is started.

When the selected element is started by a mood, its current volume will be eased to the target volume.

Sync Target Volume sets the target volume for the selected element to its current volume.

Are you sure you want to delete this element? It will be gone forever!

Make a copy of the selected element in a different SoundSet.

Upload samples and add them to the selected element.

Make a copy of the selected element.

Make a copy of the selected element in a different SoundSet.

Delete the selected element from the selected SoundSet and all of its moods. If you only want to remove the selected element from the selected mood, use the Active Elements checkboxes in the Mood properties inspector.

The first time an Element plays a sample in a Game Session, it will play at its Initial Volume unless previously set (either manually adjusting the volume slider or by being started with a Mood).

Sync Initial Volume sets the initial volume for the selected element to its current volume.

The selected reverb preset will apply to the selected element.

Only applies to samples with 3D positioning enabled.

A random position will be chosen between the min. and max. angle.

Reverses the min and max angles. If you had a min of -100 and a max of 100, the element will be played as though the min was 100 and the max was -100.

A random position will be chosen between the min. and max. distance.

The position will move towards you or away from you at this speed.

Sound Effect and Music Elements once started will continue playing samples from their Element Playlist until they are stopped or become exhausted. Music Elements will ignore 3D Positioning so their samples will be played without displacement. OneShots will only play one sample from their Element Playlist per start, but can be started repeatedly in quick succession to provide many overlaping samples.

Random will make a random selection from the playlist for every new sample, and may repeat samples. Shuffle will exhaust the playlist before being re-shuffled, and may also repeat a sample (only after a re-shuffle).

Only applies to Sequential and Shuffle play orders.

This element will appear in the global OneShots list when you select any other SoundSets.

The number of seconds to wait after an Element is started by a Mood before the first sample will play. Does not apply when started directly. Can double click the Element icon to play the first sample immediately, or to skip to the next sample.

When crossfade is enabled, the end of one sample will be faded out while the beginning of the next sample is faded in.

The number of seconds over which the samples will be crossfaded. This will be reduced to half the shorted sample duration, if necessary.

A random number of seconds will be chosen between the min. and max. delay between samples.

When counting the delay between samples from sample start, the next sample can play while the current sample is still playing, if the delay is less than the current sample length. Otherwise, the delay will be counted from the finish, and only one sample will play at a time.

A random gain will be chosen between the min. and max. gain for each sample, set by the sliders below.

  • Drop Samples Here
  • {{ }} ({{ playlist_entry.sample_obj.duration / 1000 | number:1 }}s)


Drag samples to the Element Playlist inspector or click the (Add to element playlist) icon to add them to the selected element's playlist.

Click the (Import samples) icon in the Element or Element Playlist property inspector to upload samples directly into an element playlist.

  • {{ }} ({{ sample.duration / 1000 | number:1 }}s)
  • sfx
    {{ }} ({{ element.soundset_name }})

Sample Inspector

Select a sample

The selected sample is used in official or community content SoundSets, and cannot be edited.


Only applies to elements with 3D positioning enabled.

Delete the selected sample from all Elements, Moods and SoundSets that use it. The sample will be sent to the trash.

This sample is used by {{ selected_sample.use_count }} Are you sure? It will be gone forever!